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    Enhance RoboColumn® Workflows
    with Synthace and Te-Chrom™

    Study Summary

    We compared miniaturized purification using two software platforms: Tecan’s Freedom EVOware® Te-Chrom™ Wizard and Synthace's cloud-based software

    We used both platforms to generate instructions for liquid handling robots for purification of IgG from human serum using MabSelect™ PrismA RoboColumns®.


    Key Findings

    • Equivalence between Synthace and Freedom EVOware® generated instruction
    • Significant time savings with Synthace's data structuring and visualization functionalities, blanks are easily specified and automatically used in data correction
    • Enhanced flexibility with Synthace, e.g. specifying multiple buffers within individual chromatography stages

    80 %
    Reduction in data processing, visualization and analysis time
    50 %
    Saving in time spent adapting experimental design between runs
    58 %
    Time saving in selecting, pooling, and normalizing samples

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